myCNC Change Log

Notable updates are highlighted in the table below.

Please consult our Blog and/or the Online Documentation wiki for more information about specific features mentioned in the Change Log:

Release Date Version Number Changes / Bug Fixes More information
Jun 24, 2024 2.0.2039
  • Major additions to dxf2-import (new DXF import functionality)
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements
    • Fixed a Simulator Displacement Error issue that would sometimes prevent the program from completing
Sep 19, 2023 1.88.8833
  • Homing macro wizard - added an inches-millimeters handler to save and restore current program units
  • Added the Show Log Popup Messages option in Settings > Screen
Jan 16, 2023 1.88.5775
  • Laser cutting improvements
Jan 12, 2023 1.88.5770
  • General DXF bugfixes
  • Program scrolling bugfixes (next/previous line buttons)
Jan 09, 2023


  • Added a test mode for generating cutting programs with a focus on dental aligner applications
    • Given an array of XYZ points, myCNC can generate a program taking into account the rotary axis and the orientation of the workpiece
Dec 15, 2022


  • Worked on the camera marker recognition preprocessor - positioning system to a specified Z-position indicates to the system to initiate the camera commands (M397 etc)
  • GUI for the option for global variable 7696 (ignore F-codes) added to Config Settings
Nov 29, 2022


  • New firmware version - Overspeed % now adjustable to 0 (complete stop)
    • Pause button - action="player-pause" for pause/start based on this 0% overspeed functionality
  • Correct Block support for DXF Import (now accounts for proper rotation for Block DXF elements)
Nov 14, 2022


  • DXF update - dxf2-import functionality
    • Geared towards plasma support, allows for precise lead-in and lead-out customization, scaling, proper kerf support
Nov 09, 2022


  • Backend DXF import functionality modifications
Oct 28. 2022


  • DXF/HPGL toolpath generation improvements
Oct 21, 2022


  • Visualization change - highlights program area (2D programs)
  • Added player-nc-tie1/2/3/4 functionality to be able to utilize buttons that tie the current working point to a specific corner of the program area
Oct 10, 2022


  • Minor DXF backend changes
Sep 16, 2022


  • Fixes a bug in the kspinbox UI element
  • On lathe setups, fixed the G41/G42 compensation codes as well as additional tool compensation
Sep 14, 2022


  • Added the “confirm” and “direct” options for tools specifications window M421 button in order to be able to launch the M421 macro without a confirmation slow speed distance dialog
Sep 13, 2022


  • Added an option to the DXF Import functionality that allows to generate different tools from the DXF file based on colours (as opposed to layers)
Sep 09, 2022


  • Minor backend changes
Sep 07, 2022


  • New commands for Server API (to get filepath, file name, etc)
Sep 06, 2022


  • DXF import update - added a Segment Merge Tolerance option in the Config dialog for DXF Import to prevent issues with visualizations in the import window (previously some lines would not connect on the import visualization screen)
  • Fixes to HPGL file import - fixed issue where certain files would crash the myCNC program
Sep 02, 2022


  • Minor DXF import bug fixes
Sep 01, 2022


  • DXF import updates and improvements
    • faster DXF loading, improved handling of large files
    • Improved spline support
    • Tool path optimization improved (now internal contours are cut first, after which external contours for each part are cut)
Aug 09, 2022 1.88.5565
  • Added Password Widgets functionality, allowing to create a hidden widget that is opened by entering a passcode
  • Optimized large CorelDRAW (.cdr) files that would previously take a long time to open
Aug 03, 2022 1.88.5555
  • Fix to correctly distinguish between layers and groups of objects in CorelDRAW (.cdr) files as well as .cdr file spline optimization
Jul 29, 2022 1.88.5567
  • Added the time-display GUI element to be able to display global variables such as #6120, etc, in a 00:00:00 format (instead of a less convenient display of a global variable with time in seconds)
More info here
Jul 28, 2022 1.88.5545
  • General bug fixes
Jul 26, 2022 1.88.5498
  • Modified the ATC pots tool1view element to be able to correctly display the ttime (working time) element (would previously crash the program)
Jul 20, 2022 1.88.5481
  • Added new profile actions for the lathe profile (player-simulate-backward and player-simulate-forward)
  • Support for controlling an independent axis from a PLC
Jul 06, 2022 1.88.5463
  • Bug fixes for G20/inch setups and tracking for an independent axis for plasma and laser
Jun 23, 2022 1.88.5460
  • Experimental function - updated the system to allow to load in CorelDraw .cdr files. Currently in alpha stage.
Jun 21, 2022 1.88.5449
  • Minor improvements to the inch/mm conversions within the system
Jun 02, 2022 1.88.5434
  • Bug fix - fixed an issue with the Tool Length Measure macro wizard where the Fast Move Down line was not added to the generated macro
May 31, 2022 1.88.5428
  • Bug fixes
May 26, 2022 1.88.5405
  • Minor under-the-hood changes
May 5, 2022 1.88.5378
  • Under-the-hood laser cutting functionality changes
May 03, 2022 1.88.5377
  • Experimental feature - added the G130 command that allows the user to select a cutcharts mode from within a G-code program
  • For example, G130 P217 will select mode #217
Apr 28, 2022 1.88.5369
  • Under-the-hood laser cutting functionality improvements
Apr 19, 2022 1.88.5355
  • Added Focus Control to laser settings
  • Preliminary fixes for an issue with the ruler functionality causing slowdowns during DXF import
Apr 17, 2022 1.88.5353
  • Added ruler/grid to the ncview program visualization screen
Apr 08, 2022 1.88.5339
  • Minor bug fixes
Apr 07, 2022 1.88.5333
  • Bug fix - fixed a DXF import issue when the Plasma option was enabled in the list of available tools
Mar 30, 2022 1.88.5332
  • Laser cutting functionality improvements
Mar 29, 2022 1.88.5330
  • ktab support added (currently used for laser cutting applications in the Y1366LAS profile)
Mar 24, 2022 1.88.5325
  • General laser cutting improvements
Mar 11, 2022 1.88.5315
  • Optimizations for large tangential cutting programs featuring arcs subdivided into short linear segments, allowing myCNC to look for lines/arcs on a contour
Mar 09, 2022 1.88.5300
  • Bug fixes - potential fix for an issue arising on large G-code programs using CNC Vision
Mar 08, 2022 1.88.5294
  • General bug fixes
Feb 24, 2022 1.88.5274
  • Added the Tune Z option as an alternative to Correction Z (the former being designed for mill/lathe machines, while the latter is meant for routers)
Feb 22, 2022 1.88.5253
  • Bug fixes - fixed an issue with popup windows,
  • Bug fixes - on-the-fly tool length corrections (global variables #4701, etc)
  • Fixes to CNC vision G-code transformations via camera markers
Feb 15, 2022 1.88.5245
  • Under-the-hood upgrades (not yet available to the end user):
    • Changes in preparation for the ktab tabbed window element support, capacitive sensor calibration, and independent laser cutting tracking system


Feb 14, 2022 1.88.5240
  • Bug fixes - fixed the pipe cutting visualization issue where the cursor movement would not match the toolpath
Feb 07, 2022 1.88.5230
  • Changes to HardPendant (MPG support)
Feb 01, 2022 1.88.5223
  • Added the ability to initiate Jog commands from PLCs via the global variables # 8630-8635
  • Changed and improved the way speed and acceleration are set for AxisPlus, allowing for reverse movement
  • Added an option to choose between keeping the program rotation angle after program reload (previously the default option), or resetting the rotation angle to 0 on reload
Jan 24, 2022 1.88.5214
  • Added software support for the updated ET7 and ET10 controller versions
  • Polish localization update
  • Bug fixes - fixed an issue with G33 threading and tool offsets on lathe cutting setups
Jan 18, 2022 1.88.5205
  • Bug fixes for tangential knife cutting
    • Fixed an issue with tangential cutting present on circles with a small radius
    • Minor Kiss-Knife fixes
Jan 13, 2022 1.88.5195
  • Bug fixes - fixed an issue with the indication of actual machine position coordinates when using encoders
Jan 07, 2022 1.88.5185
  • Added the functionality for the G10 L200 - G10 L205 commands to myCNC
  • G10 L200 P_reg1 Q_reg2; reg1 = sin(reg2)
    • L201 - cos
    • L202 - tan
    • L203 - asin
    • L204 - acos
    • L205 - atan
Dec 16, 2021 1.88.5171
  • DXF import - added the ability to enter different Tool Lift values for different types of tools
Dec 02, 2021 1.88.5137
  • Additional visualization fixes
Nov 30, 2021 1.88.5132
  • 3D plasma bug fixes
  • Changes in the system's 2D visualization rendering
Nov 10, 2021 1.88.5126
  • Modifications for the Hypertherm Automatic Gas Console functionality
    • Added global variables #7467-7471 for system codes and 7472-7473 for AGC preflow/cutflow testing
Oct 18, 2021 1.88.5076
  • General bug fixes
Oct 07, 2021 1.88.5059
  • Added functionality for two new global variables
    • GVAR_CUTPROCESS_CREEP_TIME (global variable #7650, which allows to assign creep time in seconds) and GVAR_CUTPROCESS_CREEP_SPEED (global variable #7651 for creep speed)
Oct 04, 2021 1.88.5038
  • Improvements to Run From Here procedure and single-block-mode for turning applications
  • Speed optimizations for circular interpolation
Sep 24, 2021 1.88.5005
  • New global variables for oxyfuel cutting - full list of variables available here
  • Bug fix - fixed a bug with the Run from Here functionality selecting an incorrect line on large G-code programs (100K+ lines)
  • Bug fix - fixed an issue with arc interpolation
Sep 22, 2021 1.88.4998
  • CNC Vision improvements
Sep 20, 2021 1.88.4989
  • Tangential cutting optimization and bugfixes
  • Fixed an issue with DXF files generated in programs such as Corel that would feature corners composed of small joints of lines/arcs. Modified the program to recognize and properly process such areas.
Sep 13, 2021 1.88.4978
  • CNC Vision bug fixes
Sep 10, 2021 1.88.4972
  • Added the 64200 and 64201 global variables to the myCNC software
    • Writing a widget's ID (specified in the XML files as id="NUMBER") into 64200 brings up the corresponding widget
    • Writing a widget's ID into 64201 hides the corresponding widget
      • For example, the command G10 L80 P64200 Q100 will show widget with id="100"
Sep 02, 2021 1.88.4956
  • Bug fixes for:
    • CNC Vision
    • V-knife
    • Knife 180 functionality
Aug 20, 2021 1.88.4910
  • XML Editing - Added the attribute "pressed-delay-xxxx" for the "direct-run:" action
    • Allows to define time, in ms, that the on-screen element (button, etc) must be pressed for, in order to initialize the direct-run action
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause crashes on large-size G-code files
  • Fixed a visualization bug for work position
Aug 17, 2021 1.88.4895
  • Numerous bug fixes
    • Fixed arc handling for DXF files and G21 files on G20 profiles
    • Fixed DXF import bug where G21 would be added to the start of the generated program regardless of profile unit settings
    • Fixed rotation widget issue on G20 (U-series) profiles
    • Fixed M71 Imperial parts library for G20 (U-series) profiles
    • Fixed work offsets config tab issue where G58/G59 values would be overwritten upon saving
    • Fixed parking config tab visual bug where axes YZ would display values equal to X parking coordinate
Aug 12, 2021 1.88.4869
  • Bug fixes for inch/G20 setups
    • Fixes for Work Offsets, Cut from Edge, program rotation
Aug 07, 2021 1.88.4855
  • Added support for the mycnc-ET8 controller
    • The ET8 is a direct copy of the ET6 with altered microchip architecture
  • Numerous bug fixes to inch/G20 profiles
Aug 04, 2021 1.88.4820
  • Changes to the Alarms settings window - added the Software PLC Handler section for each alarm/sensor type
    • Allows for easy custom PLC procedures launch upon alarm trigger
    • Sensor trigger mirrored to global variables 9300-9363
  • New XML GUI element - tool1view
    • Indicates information on a particular tool, including Tool ID, Cutting Material, Tip, Tool Diameter, Tool Max/Elapsed Lifetime, etc
  • New global variable #8025 - indicates elapsed tool lifetime, in (100% * WorkTime/MaxTime)
Aug 02, 2021 1.88.4817
  • Tool Specification widget improvements
July 27, 2021 1.88.4814
  • Improvements to the ATC Pots section in Settings > Config
    • Added the Tool Tips, Cut Material, Tool Diameter and Tool ID sections
  • Minor changes to the Tool Specifications widget
July 17, 2021 1.88.4803
  • Bug fixes for inches/G20 setups - tool length value table and measurement macro fixes
July 14, 2021 1.88.4794
  • Added a toggle for G20/G21 handler in Config > Macro Wizard > Tool Change for generating the M6 Tool Change macro.
    • Allows to use mixed G20/G21 commands within the body of the control program, switching to the default profile units for the duration of the tool change
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed the 3D dimension visualization to display the values correctly when inches were selected in Config > Screen
    • Fixed the 3D visualization toggle for showing/hiding program dimensions
July 2, 2021 1.88.4771
  • Bug fix - fixed issue where the subroutine call wouldn't initialize due to empty lines or comments at the beginning of subroutine
June 29, 2021 1.88.4766
  • Tangential cutting fixes
  • Fixes for Windows version - fixed certain button icons not displaying properly on some systems
June 28, 2021 1.88.4757
  • Tangential cutting bug fixes - fixed issue with program start after stopping
June 14, 2021 1.88.4731
  • Bug fixes for step mode
  • Bug fixes for the G76 threading cycle
June 8, 2021 1.88.4719
  • Added a checking procedure to compare the current tool number versus the tool # according to the program
    • Useful in cases where the tool change procedure did not work correctly for any reason
    • The checking procedure can be turned off in settings
  • Bug fix for checking whether the machine has moved beyond the soft limits
May 17, 2021 1.88.4710
  • Bug fixes for inch/G20 software configurations
    • Fixed Return to working point button
    • Fixed nesting window, rotation window
    • Fixed arc/hole speed
    • Fixed tool offsets
    • Numerous visual fixes
May 3, 2021 1.88.4685
  • Soft Limits control improvements - bug fixes for program bounds calculations
  • Firmware updated (testing stream): Changed acceleration behaviour when Overspeed values are changed by a large amount (for example, from 10% to 100%)
  • Modified behaviour from immediate change to smooth acceleration, preventing an impact to the machine hardware
  • Minimum Overspeed adjustment is now 1% (previously 5%)
Apr 28, 2021 1.88.4677
  • Additional bug fixes for soft limits (for rotational axes), drilling cycles and step mode
Apr 25, 2021 1.88.4664
  • Windows bug fix - fixed missing icons in the probe sensor widget
Apr 21, 2021 1.88.4648
  • Tangential control updates for working with multiple tools with different offsets on the rotary axis
Apr 19, 2021 1.88.4634
  • Bug fixes for drilling cycles
  • Bug fix - fixed issue with program control going beyond soft limits
Apr 15, 2021 1.88.4609
  • Modifications to the independent axis (AxisPlus) for grinding functionality
  • Bug fix - fixed an issue with single block mode
  • Bug fix - fixes to program rotation functionality
  • Bug fix - fixed crashing issue when closing multiple pop-up windows
Apr 08, 2021 1.88.4592
  • Bug fix - fixed issue with the G84/G74 tapping commands in situations when the spindle encoder was using a gear ratio different from 1:1
Apr 02, 2021 1.88.4592
  • Bug fix - fixed flatbed correction not turning off on Windows machines
  • Bug fix - fixed soft limits issues for rotational axes
Mar 31, 2021 1.88.4586
  • Drilling cycles - support for variable lowering distance, drilling lift speed
  • Improvements for tapping cycles G84, G74
  • Various bug fixes
Mar 12, 2021 1.88.4543
  • Added new setup options for Machine Axis Configuration
Mar 7, 2021 1.88.4538
  • DXF import - added pneumatic lift selection for the Pen tool
  • Improved algorithms for 5-axis jewelry cutting
Mar 4, 2021 1.88.4512
  • AxisPlus support for ET10 and ET15
  • Speed priority bug fixes
Mar 3, 2021 1.88.4507
  • New options added in the Hard Pendant settings tab
Feb 26, 2021 1.88.4494
  • Added a new global variable #7696 - GVAR_CUTCHART_FEEDRATE_PRIORITY
  • if set to 0, then the F-code value for speed is used, if present
  • if set to 1, then speed from Cutcharts has a higher priority and the F-code is ignored
Feb 24, 2021 1.88.4480
  • Added hardware pendant support for the ET15 controller
  • Improvements to the G-code parser when setting arcs via radius for certain post processors (fixed the issue where in cases the G-code contained 2 decimal places the rounding for radius value was not done correctly)
Feb 19, 2021 1.88.4474
  • Improved handling of the desynchronization FError in myCNC
  • Expanded functionality - ability to turn off servos with the ServoOn signal, sending messages and blocking start up in case of errors from Closed-Loop PID regulators
  • Added new settings in the Analog Closed Loop tab
Feb 16, 2021 1.88.4462
  • Bug fixes for turning/lathe operations - fixed issue with specifying diameter dimensions
  • Interface tweaks to accomodate hardware support for ServoOn signals for drivers in closed-loop systems, and the FError parameter
Feb 14, 2021 1.88.4460
  • Hardware Pendant capabilities added
Jan 27, 2021 1.88.4432
  • Added the ability to launch Software PLC procedures from hotkey commands
Sep 11, 2020 1.88.4151
  • 2-axis configurations support for Creasing Wheel and Pen setups when using the DXF import
  • Fixed an issue with the DXF import not correctly recognizing the 2-axis configurations at low turning angles
Jul 31, 2020 1.88.4103
  • UI toggles for Tool Specifications window added in UI Settings
  • Hole Cutting options duplicated from Plasma Settings to Motion
March 6, 2020 1.88.3815
  • Bug fixes for subroutines - subroutine visualization now works correctly on 3D visualizations (M- and V- series profiles).
Feb 25, 2020 1.88.3803
  • More behind-the-scenes support for cutcharts added
Feb 24, 2020 1.88.3797
  • Built-in images for the Kjellberg CutFire100i cutcharts added
Feb 13, 2020 1.88.3789
  • Addition of "hole speed" register to reduce speed during hole cutting on plasma profiles
  • THC improvements to allow the user to specify the percentage of feedrate below which THC will be temporarily turned off (as opposed to the previous implementation which required to specify the exact speed)
  • Behind-the-scenes support for more cutcharts added
  • A number of existing cutchart images uploaded in higher resolution / reworked
Feb 4, 2020 1.88.3782
  • General bug fixes
Feb 3, 2020 1.88.3778
  • The X1366G/X1366GA profiles now have the gas on/off button icons added automatically in new profile versions
  • General QOL improvements


(Click to view)

Jan 29, 2020 1.88.3777
  • General bug fixes
Jan 23, 2020 1.88.3771
  • Bug fixes to the filtration system (encoder behaviour fixed)
Jan 21, 2020 1.88.3759
  • Filtration system for signals from controller inputs and operator panel added
  • Report Tab bug fixes: pierce time, tool path length and cutting length are now displayed correctly
  • Disabled the clickable consumables link that previously led to this website in the Cutcharts widget on X1366P and X1366G type profiles.